THE ONBOARD COMPUTER (use the Computer menu): • FIND NEAREST OUTPOST / FIND NEAREST STARBASE: finds the nearest outpost or Starbase in the galaxy (if there are any) and relays its coordinates to the WARP drive controls, or the IMPULSE drive if it's very close by. All you need then do is click the appropriate ENGAGE button. • FIND ONLY ACTIVE OUTPOSTS: when on, (and you select Find Outpost) the computer will find the nearest ACTIVE outpost only, ignoring any that were previously evacuated or destroyed. • CHASE NEAREST ROMULAN: the computer will lock on to the nearest Romulan in the galaxy and chase it, using both the Warp and Impulse drives as appropriate, until the Enterprise is right on top of the Romulan. You can deactivate Chase mode at any time by clicking on any of the Warp or Impulse drive controls. Chase mode is available only if both the Warp and Impulse drives are operational and the Enterprise has plenty of energy for the chase. • SENSOR SCAN: similar to Get Info. If this is selected on, most objects that appear in the main viewer will also have information displayed beside them, depending on what the objects are. (for example, next to every Romulan will be its energy level and torpedos remaining.) • AUTO-DESTRUCT: when you've run out of options. After confirming your decision, Auto-Destruct blows up the Enterprise.